Latest News:
2024/2025 Precept is now approved with a 3% rise which works out at about a 10p per month rise for an average D band property.
Emergency Contact numbers
Emergency 999
Non-emergency medical 111
Non-emergency police 101
County Council Helpline 0344 800 8020
Electricity 105
Water 0800 771 881
Gas 0800 111 999
Samaritans 116 123
Childline 0800 1111
National Domestic Abuse helpline 0808 200 0247
Worried about paying monthly bills
Join the Easton Oil Club Today
Community Centre Build
The new Community Centre project is progressing well. To complete the project we have now reached the stage, as expected, to seek an advance – as a loan - on the funding which is due to come to Easton over the coming years through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) on the Persimmon development.
The loan will be funded by the Parish Council without the need to increase the precept to pay for the loan.
Thank you to those residents who attended the Parish Council meeting on Friday 15th December 2023 and heard the debate on the loan. If you want to understand more please see the ‘Report to Council’ on the Parish Council website for all the details, costs involved and supporting information.
Initially, the loan was to be through South Norfolk Council but South Norfolk Council thought it would be better for Easton to borrow the money directly from the Public Works Loan Board rather than South Norfolk Council borrowing the money themselves from the Public Works Loan Board and then lending it to Easton at a higher interest rate.
Easton Parish Council are currently undergoing the application stage and are seeking approval from the Secretary of State for the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to apply for a PWLB loan of £500,000.
If you want to see more on the construction of the new Community Centre, including a time-lapse video, please visit the dedicated website at
We now have 3 Defibrillators in the village.
They are located at:
- The Village Hall, Marlingford Road.
- The Rembrandt Restaurant, Dereham Road.
- Outside 73 Ringland Road, Lower Easton.
Without the fantastic support, we would not be in the position to purchase this life-saving equipment.