Planning Background

We have created links to several important documents relating to the original outline planning application 2014/2611, all documents can be found on the South Norfolk planning portal.

Members of the Parish Council and several residents fought a hard campaign to halt this application. Sadly we were let down by the conservative lead South Norfolk Council who refused to heed our warnings of contamination on several areas of the site earmarked for development.  This is now coming back as an issue as plans are progressed.

The land to the North of Dereham Road is no longer a part of this development as the Parish Council refused to be a party to this application and the land in the northeastern area known as Carter's waste pit is too heavily contaminated at present to develop for housing.  Persimmons have walked away from this section of land. The current planning approval runs out in November 2021. Anyone wanting to develop that site after November will have to start with a fresh application process.

Community Involvement Report
Design and Access Statement
Land Usage Plan
Planning Consent Order
S106 Agreement